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Products and services for data and information analysis, management and training for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry

The Windshire Group offers a comprehensive suite of industry leading products and services for data and information analysis, management and training to assist with the demands of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.

Continued Process Verification
  • The Windshire Group  can implement CPV solutions for continued process monitoring and life cycle management of their process, manufacturing, and QC testing, and quality metric data.
Stability and Shelf Life
  • Stabilityshiresm, led by our Chief Stability Scientist, is a consulting service that can assist organizations with any and all aspects of analysis, reporting, and management of stability and shelf life data for intermediate, API/drug substance, and drug product. For compliant reporting and regulatory filings, the service uses a validated software package that is part of our GMP quality system.
  • Customized training through our Trainingshiresm  service can be developed to assist your personnel in being more effective and increase your organization’s compliance. The customized training can be delivered on-site, or via custom webinars (live or recorded) or training sessions over the web.

For more information on how our consultants, products, and solutions can help you succeed, please contact us today at or call (+1) 844.686.5750.

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